
We are the Jeffery family and we run Ogeg Ltd (OG and EG being my children's initials). We are a family run, start-up business, based in Swindon. We have a new business idea that we really want to make come to life, which is to build an all new adventure play centre!

We feel that there is currently a need in the Swindon area for somewhere to go that offers a wider range of activities than the current venues and caters to all children, including those with disabilities and special needs. The dream is to build this centre with both indoor and outdoor spaces to play, creating separate areas for babies and toddlers as well as specific zones for sensory equipment and equipment for those with disabilities. We have over 30 years of early years education experience within the business and this will also enable us to offer tailored sessions to groups.

We have a vision but we need some help to get this going as building the centre and getting it launched will cost a lot of money. Our Crowdfunding page is now LIVE and we would be so grateful for your support to achieve our target.
Crowdfunding page
Along with creating an inclusive play centre, we have three key values that we feel passionate about and want to bring to the centre. These are things that we feel strongly about and when designing and building the centre we will be focusing on them to ensure that Ogeg Adventure Play represents our vision and passions. These are;

Be Inclusive

We want to build a centre that allows everyone to be involved. We plan to have separate areas with sensory equipment and toys as well as areas and equipment for children with mobility issues. We will have wheelchair access throughout the centre, and much more. We want this to be somewhere that everyone can enjoy!

Focus on the Environment

We love nature and the great outdoors and we want to bring our passion for this to the centre.
We plan to be as environmentally friendly as we can and we also want to build a greenhouse where we can grow plants, vegetables, trees etc with the children. Our kids love watching what they’ve planted grow and we want our “adventurers” to experience this too.

Exploration, Adventures, Learning

We believe that children naturally want to explore and learn. Having “adventures”, big or small, enables them to do this.
Our centre will have multiple areas and we want to fill the diary with activities and events. Looking to the future, we’d even like to run Ogeg trips to take the adventure elsewhere.

Help us with Crowdfunding...

Crowdfunding page

Our Book

About 2 years ago we wrote a children's book. The book, called "Adventures with Ollie, the Lost Hat" was the start of some big dreams and is ultimately why we are doing this today. Written about an adventure I had with my son one day, the story unfolds as Ollie loses his hat in the woods and uses his imagination and perseverance to retrieve it. My wife and I turned the story into a real book for Ollie, and the feedback we had was so great that we decided to self publish it.

Since then, we created the Ogeg brand to publish and sell our book, Ogeg felt like the perfect name for our Adventure Play Centre. We plan to have a book corner in the centre where copies of our book can be read, and purchased by our customers. We intend to create a series of books in the near future, with more adventures from Ollie, Erin (his little sister) and Logan (the dog).
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Registered in England and Wales: 13891241 
© 2024 Ogeg Ltd

Registered Address - 5 Nolan Close, Swindon, SN25 4GP.
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